
Every day, I listen to talking heads on television, radio, and in podcasts that appear to have solutions that will help us out, but - in reality - they have formed their viewpoints based more on religious principles rather than established fact. When I say 'religious principles', I don't mean in the sense of organized religion, such as Catholicism or Islam. I mean that the person has established a view based on their point of view, then they come around to supporting it with 'facts'.

yes, we are open

The classic example deals with climate change. We are more than happy to allow scientists to gather archeological evidence and come to sweeping conclusions, but suddenly, when it deals with climate change, there is a political debate regarding the validity of the data!

The problem is not the Rs or the Ds, the problem is systemic. In this collection of essays we will attempt to identify problems and extend novel - if unconventional - solutions to the problems that our country, the United States of America, faces.

I can only hope that someone who matters will read this some day and be inspired to make a difference.

party affiliation: none

I generally make a practice of not aligning myself with a party, but you should know that I definitely have a viewpoint that aligns with an existing party. My views most closely align with the Libertarian party. To be more specific, I am extraordinarily right on issues that deal with taxes, finance, and spending and extraordinarily left when it comes to freedoms and rights of individuals.

I also believe in the idea of citizen legislators rather than professional politicians, so I always vote anti-incumbent as my beliefs necessarily imply term limits.


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We collect information for purposes of technical planning and maintaining the site infrastructure. We do not collect personally identifying information and - if we did - we wouldn't sell it.

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Some articles will be written and left as they are. Some will be updated as required or as new information becomes available. This process may or may not be as transparent as you want it to be. Just know that the article that you are reading may not reflect the original information presented in the article although all efforts will be made to preserve the intent.